Personal web page
Antonio Villalón Huerta

At last I have decided to update my personal web page. As I have many visits
(like Google, more or less), I have
thought that at least every ten years I will change this page. So enjoy my new
personal web page and its dazzling and innovator design, once again VI
powered (you can see, the old background and color bands that people
enjoyed so much during those years are out now ;). About contents, more or less
what I had before: as always, I have a little or nothing to say...
Things I have written
- Unix & Network Security. Version 2.1
(July, 2002). Original version: July, 2000. In Spanish.
PDF document
(MD5: 3251da10f2618bce208c55e3e2aead1e)
BibTeX references
(MD5: 5467bb62cd0c0988b93d63760fc722a7)
LaTeX source code
(MD5: 9daa349aac35251cd3cac9de267d352f)
- CSIRT-CV, the new IT Security Center at Comunidad Valenciana. Lourdes Herrero, Antonio Villalón. SIC - Information and Communications Security. Number 91. September, 2010. (PDF). In Spanish.
- ISMS: The need for Real Time Management Systems.
José Miguel Rosell, Antonio Villalón. UNE.
Number 195. May, 2005. (PDF). In Spanish.
- Information Systems Analyst.
Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros en Informática de la Comunidad Valenciana
(Ed.). Chapter 55, Cryptography (PDF)
and 56, Digital Signatures (PDF). January, 2004. In
Talks and so on
- Security in and out of the cloud.
IX RedIRIS Security Forum. Valencia, Spain. March, 2011. In Spanish.
- Incident handling. Top ten errors.
ITIL and Incident Management working day. Madrid, Spain. November 2010.
In Spanish.
- Brand protection. Online Reputation.
ISACA Valencia 2010 Congress. Valencia, Spain. October, 2010. In Spanish.
- Security incident management.
(PDF, OpenOffice). In Spanish.
"Computer security and reliability".
Valencia, Spain. February, 2009. In Spanish.
- The new Chief Security Officer.
(PDF, OpenOffice). In Spanish.
2008 Technical Talks. ISACA - Valencia Chapter.
Valencia, Spain. December, 2008.
- Security Convergence.
(PDF, OpenOffice). In Spanish.
1st Latin American Forum about Systems, Technology and Communications.
Caracas, Venezuela. January, 2008.
- The role of Information Security Plan at the
organization. (PDF). In Spanish.
"New stages in Information Security. ISO 27001 and Spanish LOPD Development
Rules", Valencia, Spain. September, 2006.
- The Information Security Management System: Quality
of Security. (PDF,
OpenOffice). In Spanish.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España. May, 2005.
- Best practices for Information Security. UNE-ISO/IEC
17799. (PDF). In Spanish.
"The Information Security Management System. The new UNE 71502 standard",
Valencia, Spain. September, 2004.
- Information security management: UNE 71502, ISO 17799.
(PDF, OpenOffice). In
"Network Security", Universidad de verano Campus TI, Valencia, Spain. June,
- Distributed intrusion detection systems. (PDF). In Spanish.
Escuela Politécnica Superior de Albacete, Universidad de Castilla La
Mancha, Albacete, Spain. April, 2004.
- Intrusion detection systems: a practical approach.
(PDF). In Spanish.
Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. April, 2003.
- Intrusion Automatic Response.
(PDF). In Spanish.
IX Technical International Week of Computer Security. Universidad
Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia. October, 2002.
- Information Systems Security. PDF slides. (Julio 2005). Original version: Octuber, 2002. In
- Intrusion Detection Systems.
PDF notes (May, 2005). Original version: May, 2002. In Spanish.
slides (June, 2005). Original version: May, 2002. In Spanish.
- The Unix Operating System: introduction.
PDF notes (February, 2008).
Original version: September, 1996. In Spanish.
- The Unix Operating System: administration.
PDF notes (May, 2005). Original version: January, 1997.o
In Spanish.
Source code
- testrelay.sh
A simple shellscript to test if a mail server is vulnerable to a relay attack.
- printenv
PERL honeytoken similar to old PHF (and using its code...).
More things...
- My town: Algarra (Cuenca).
"Es preciso darse cuenta de que en esta desgraciada lonja de tierra situada
entre el rio y el monte pueden suceder cosas que no ocurren en otra parte.
Cosas que nunca desentonan con el paisaje.
Allá sopla un aire especial que hace bien a los vivos y a los muertos, y
allá tienen alma hasta los perros."
Giovanni Guareschi
- Mushrooms from Algarra: MUSHROOMS.
- My town, also: V
illar del Águila (Cuenca).
"Mas si trepáis a un cerro y veis el campo
desde los picos donde habita el águila,
son tornasoles de carmín y acero,
llanos plomizos, lomas plateadas,
circuidos por montes de violeta,
con las cumbres de nieve sonrosada."
Antonio Machado
- Joaquín Sabina. Flaco´s oficial and non oficial web pages.
"Almas claras. Ojos despiertos.
Oídos llenos de la música
del dolor. Los dedos felices,
aunque los hieran las agudas
espinas. Todo el sabor agrio
de la vida, en la lengua."
José Hierro
- Manoleitor web page: Unsociability.
"An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a
cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup."
Henry Louis Mencken
- Stupidities Zone (only in Spanish): Stupidities AT shutdown.es.
"When the men on the chessboard
get up and tell you where to go
and you've just had some kind of mushroom
and your mind is moving low..."
The Jefferson Airplane.White Rabbit
Finally, so you can´t say this is not a new and modern web page: a
FLASH stupidity and a PHP one.
And also an animated GIF:
100% Micro$oft free